埃尔迈拉大学 is about giving you opportunities….and ensuring that every opportunity is affordable.

通过扩大准入和负担能力的承诺,让自己沉浸在我们校园所提供的一切中. 是该地区四年制私立大学中学费最低的大学之一, mg冰球突破豪华版下载已经确立了自己作为一个负担得起的选择,为学生寻求高质量的教育. Even our admission application is free. The only expense is the time it takes to complete it. 我们这样做是因为我们知道,学生负担不起的机会根本就不是真正的机会.

For new first-time students entering 埃尔迈拉大学, we are proud to share the Ea飙升gles Take Flight Initiative. Under this new program, mg冰球突破豪华版下载将为符合条件的新入学的纽约州本科生支付本科生学费和强制性费用. 这是纽约州居民就读一流私立大学的免费学费.

通过选择EC, 你们已经从培养商业领袖的高质量教育中获得了巨大的价值, innovative researchers, and compassionate educators. With our Take Flight commitment, 我们也想确保无论你的经济背景或生活经历, you can join our close-knit Ea飙升gle family.     


Students work on science lessons in a laboratory

Curious about this new program? Check out our frequently asked questions to find out more.


新进入mg冰球突破豪华版下载的纽约州居民本科学生,如果家庭收入为50美元,将自动有资格获得该奖项,(根据2022年联邦收入和税务申报). 根据TAP资格指南*,您必须是纽约州居民,并提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)才能获得资格.

What are the academic requirements for the Take Flight Initiative?

通过申请过程简单地接受学院是所有需要在学术上有资格被纳入该计划. There are no GPA requirements or standardized test scores.


Students who meet the academic, 州居住, and financial criteria will automatically receive the Take Flight benefit. 除了完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA®)和NYS TAP拨款申请, there are no additional steps or applications to complete.


There are no formal deadlines for the program; however, in order to ensure that your application and award is fully considered, we encourage students to complete their application for admission, FAFSA, and NYS TAP grant application as soon as possible. 请注意,2024年FAFSA预计最早要到2024年3月才可用.

What impact will my other aid have on this program?

Take Flight保证符合条件的学生将获得最后一美元的助学金或奖学金,以支付其他项目或奖学金未涵盖的学费和强制性费用. 如果其他项目或奖励已经涵盖了你所有的学费和强制性费用, 那么你将没有资格在这个项目下获得额外的援助,因为你已经获得了预期的好处.

If my residency changes, will I lose funding?

是的, this commitment is only available to New York State residents.

I qualify for NYS residency due to my military affiliation. 我有资格吗??


Take Flight Initiative是否适用于想要转学到mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生?

The Take Flight initiative is not currently available for transfer students; however, mg冰球突破豪华版下载为转学生提供慷慨的经济援助计划. Take a look at Elmira’s streamlined 转移过程 为了快速做出录取决定,并与我们的顾问讨论您的经济援助选择. 唯一的例外是来自即将关闭的纽约学院或大学的学生,如果学生是2024年秋季学期的全日制学生.

我获得了第三方的学费补贴,我的家庭收入也在符合条件的范围内. 我有资格吗??

If your tuition and mandatory fees are entirely covered by a third party, such as veteran’s educational benefits or an employer agreement, you would not be eligible for Take Flight. “乘飞机计划”旨在支付学费和其他奖学金不包括的强制性费用, 奖助金, or third-party awards.

Does my award automatically renew? 如果我的家庭收入发生了变化,我在接下来的几年里是否仍然有资格获得福利?

As with most need-based financial aid programs, if you receive a substantial change in income, your eligibility for this program could be affected. Barring an increase in annual income, 你将有资格参加为期四年的飞行计划,同时在mg冰球突破豪华版下载注册全日制课程.

*Guidelines for New York State residency
  • Be a legal resident of NYS and have resided in NYS for 12 continuous months
  • 做一个U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen
  • Have graduated from high school in the United States, 通过正式称为GED的中等学业完成评估测试(TASC)获得高中同等文凭, 或通过联邦政府批准的“受益能力”测试,该测试由州教育部门专员定义;
  • 第四学期后,学业成绩良好,平均成绩不低于C 
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student
  • 不拖欠任何州或联邦学生贷款,不拖欠任何州奖励
